Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México

Timothy Jerome Kehoe y Marina Mendes Taveres

Seminario de Investigación Económica

Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México

Primavera 2013



Tres listas de problemas

Un paper sobre un tema que está relacionado con uno de los tres temas del curso

Una presentación del paper durante la semana del 6 de mayo

(Nota: El paper y la presentación puede hacerse en grupos de uno o dos. Las listas de problemas se debe hacer por cada alumno individualmente, si bien la cooperación está permitido y alentado.)



1.    Crecimiento, productividad, y depresiones

Lista de problemas #1

Notas sobre el modelo de Finlandia

Datos para la contabilidad de crecimiento

Notes on Balanced Growth Paths

Growth Accounting Notes

MS Excel Worksheet with Data for Growth Accounting for the United States

Notes on Using MS Excel to do Growth Accounting

MS Excel File for Calculating the Equilibrium of the Finland Model

Notas sobre el modelo de Chile y México

Pagina web del libro T. J. Kehoe y E. C. Prescott, Great Depressions of the Twentieth Century

R. Bergoeing, P. J. Kehoe, T. J. Kehoe y R. Soto, "A Decade Lost and Found: Mexico and Chile in the 1980s," Review of Economic Dynamics, 5 (2002), 166-205.

J. C. Conesa, T. J. Kehoe y K. J. Ruhl "Modeling Great Depressions:  The Depression in Finland in the 1990s," Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, 31:1 (2007), 16–44. 

T. J. Kehoe y E. C. Prescott, "Great Depressions of the Twentieth Century," Review of Economic Dynamics, 5 (2002), 1-18; traducido como "Las Grandes Depresiones del Siglo XX," Gaceta de Economía, 24 (2008), 5–29.]


2.    Crisis Financieras y Parones

Lista de problemas #2

Notes on Gambling for Redemption

Notes on Capital Flows

Notes on Real Exchange Rates

Turkey-Germany Real Exchange Rate Data

Notes on Sudden Stops

Notes on What Happened in Mexico in 1994–95

Notes on Self-fulfilling Crises

Notes on the Savings Glut and the U.S. Economy

H. L. Cole and T. J. Kehoe (1996), "A Self-Fulfilling Model of Mexico's 1994-95 Debt Crisis," Journal of International Economics, 41, 309-330.

H. L. Cole and T. J. Kehoe (2000), "Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises," Review of Economic Studies, 67, 91-116. 

J. C. Conesa and T. J. Kehoe (2011), "Gambling for Redemption and Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises," Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.

T. J. Kehoe (1995), “What Happened in Mexico in 1994–95?” in P. J. Kehoe and T. J. Kehoe, editors, Modeling North American Economic Integration, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 131–47.

T. J. Kehoe and K. J. Ruhl, Sudden Stops, Sectoral Reallocations, and the Real Exchange Rate,” Journal of Development Economics, 89 (2009), 235-249.


3.    Movilidad Intergeneracional de la Renta y la Desigualdad de la Renta

S. Bowles, H. Gintis, and M. O. Groves, eds. (2010), Unequal Chances: Family Background and Economic Success. Princeton University Press.

W. Kopczuk, E. Saez, and J. Song (2010), "Earnings Inequality and Mobility in the United States: Evidence from Social Security Data since 1937," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 125: 91-128.

A. B. Krueger (2012), "The Rise and Consequences of Inequality in the United States," Remarks delivered to the Center for American Progress, Washington, DC. January 12.

C.-I. Lee and G. Solon (2009), "Trends in Intergenerational Income Mobility," Review of Economics and Statistics, 91: 766-772.

D. Restuccia and C. Urrutia (2004), "Intergenerational Persistence of Earnings: The Role of Early and College Education," American Economic Review, 94: 1354-1378.

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